Page 7 - 中華賓士雜誌2019秋季號
P. 7

83      96                                          104

                 Style+ 風格別冊                                                    ኹ׬ԅ݋ CMI Family
                + 01  職人殿堂與日常滋味 Gourmet Exploring                         72    樹立產業升級典範
                + 04  日料心時代                                               74    家庭與事業的最佳拍檔
                + 1 4  驚豔風城 庶民小吃
                                                                                Άุෂॆ CMI News
                                                                          76    溫柔星力量
                                                                          78    開啟感官,解放賓士潛能
                                                                          80    更多的連結與互動

                                                                                ମ਷Ԛ༷ Traveller
                                                                          83    華麗的冒險

                                                                          96    曠野豪情 奢華帳篷旅店

                                                                          104   有種藍,叫契夫蕭安

              ৃࢹdᛇڎۃֻ                 ʕശႷɻ֜ၣ          ʕശႷɻ४കྠ

                                                                                       22                        The New B-Class

              CMI The CMI Group's Exclusive Magazine  Production / Color Reproduction: Interprint Prepress Service
              Publication: Capital Motors Inc.     Add: 4F., No.51, Sec.2, Jilung Road, Taipei 110, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
              Publisher: George Liew               Tel: (02)2732-8899 # 946
              Production Supervisor: A.A. Khoo, Andreas Binder  Advertising Manager: Jasper Lee
              Editorial Director: Irene Shih       Advertising Service Line: (02)2732-8899 # 948
              Add:  4F., No.168, Sec. 3, Dadu Rd., Beitou Dist.,                           0922-604-699
                 Taipei City 112, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
              Tel: (02)2898-7999                   All Rights Reserved.

                             The New B-Class
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